We Are Digital Creative Content Creators

We are a business that creates content that's purely intended for screens. We acknowledge the fact that the world is moving into a digital age, and the growing need by clients to go paperless in a bid to play their part in creating an ecofriendly work environment while still able to appeal to their market. What makes us different is the fact that we're focused on moving our clients at a pace of the market that's fast becoming tech savvy at the fraction of the true cost of our service.

Our Services

Web Development

Websites are fast becoming the quickest way to verify the client's credibility, I mean, who would go to trouble registering a website if they don't intend to deliver quality they can stand by? Not many people. A website is what gives potential customers a quick feel of how serious a business takes itself, and in turn how serious it takes its prospects. Hence we pride ourselves in giving our clients power to decide the feel of their website, while applying the most cost effective methods to allow the website to run at the most minimum cost possible.

Digital Creative Content

From animated logos to marketing videos, and from iconographics to book illustrations, we do everything that previously needed ink and paper digitally. Expanding the envelope and leaving no room for limitations. So far we've had several clients use our services, and we are yet to disappoint - which is a milestone we're not going to hold our breath for, as we intend to outdo ourselves with each new project we take on. Our skills in this field span from design, illustration, creative planning, to 2D and 3D animation, with horizons beyond everything we've ever created.


Having created logos from as early as 2008, we found that this is an aspect of the business that deserves a place of its own in the business. With years of experience creating designs for clients and charity as a freelancer, it only makes sense that, even in the over saturated market, we find our way towards clients who still value their brands for what they're truly worth. We give clients extended options and guide them through the entire process, as if to say, "let us guide you to guide your hand to guide us", thus giving customers a sense of accomplishment for each project we do together with them.

Customer Service

Every service of ours comes with a dose of high-end customer service. Though not for sale, for the obvious reason that it's priceless, we treat this as any, or even better than our other services, simply because we value the effort of each client to have found their way to us through the market place noise. With this, each and every client is afforded a unique custom approach to their service needs up until delivery.

Recent Work

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

3 Frowns of Mottl'

3 Frowns of Mottl'

3 Frowns of Mottl' is a short film styled commercial project that was commissioned by IndiZA Foods. The brief was basically to create a story-like video for their flagship tea product. I came up with a few concept ideas, but the one I landed on seemed more feasible. I liked that I got to try out new techniques, especial the reflections on the car window, and the noir feel for the most part of the video. Even tried out CrazyTalk, and rain effects. When it was done, I wished it wasn't a commercial project, so that I could publish it as short film, and maybe enter it in some of the short film awards.

Projaiva W.I.P - Client Project

Projaiva W.I.P - Client Project

In 2018, I was part of a network of animators, and one of the benefits of being part of that was that once in a while one of the participants in that group forwarded a project they either didn't feel like doing or wanted a collab on, and this was one such project. It was expected to be long, so I knew immediately that the client must have deep pockets to even suggest such a lengthy project. My strategy for taking on the project involved convincing the client to reduce length of the project and cut out unnecessary embelishments, which I managed to do, except that the brief kept changing midway, and the project ended up taking almost a year to finish. I think it was concluded somewhere around March/April 2019, and the above video is one of the constant updates I had to send to the client because they wanted constant updates. My work approach on this one was not the best, but lessons were learned I guess, most important one being: PRICE YOUR SERVICES ACCORDINGLY, AND CHARGE FOR CHANGES! By the end of the project I was thoroughly exhausted! To this day, I still don't know how I feel about the project. I think it is still the longest project I've ever done, and it was fully in 3D, which is a style I was still learning at the time, so some things were still off when the final video was submitted. When I met the client for briefing I was told that the video was going to be used in a pitch, and that it was intended to end up on TV, but I honestly don't know where it ended up. I guess I'm not one to check on client projects once they've been submitted, mostly because the use of the content usually lives me cringing. So I don't check to avoid disappointment and cringing my teeth out ---
wait, do we cringe with our teeth or our jaws?... ok, bye.

Maal High

Maal High

In 2017, an old friend of mine approached me and asked me to do a pro-bono marketing video for his NGO (actually he wanted me to be part of the organization, which didn't work out), and I obliged. Took me a bit longer than expected because there was a deadline, which basically involved finishing the video before a radio interview on one of the local radio stations. Nonetheless, I finished a few day later after the interview and the response was positive. Not sure if they ever used the video or where it ended, but I loved the outcome, especially because it was not a paid project. Usually I get lazy with those, particularly if it's someone's project.

Drawing By Dineo

Drawing By Dineo

Sometimes I like to experiment with different animation approaches and techniques. This project was one such experiment. I got the idea for it when the then
little cousin
(not so little anymore) of mine sent me a few of her drawings on WhatsApp (the curse - or blessing of being known as the artist in the family). So I took one of the pictures she sent me, which was basically a family sitting around a table, and turned it into a story and animated it. I enjoyed the flexibility of doing my own project, and turning an low res image of an unfinished drawing into a fully fledged animation. Loved the reactions, especially from lil' cuz and the fam. Gosh, I sound old - am I old... wait! is this what existential crises feels like?!... ok, bye.

Power Music Demo

Power Music Demo

With this one, I came across an artist's page on Facebook, liked their work, but realised that they shared music snippets in a video format without any visuals. So I offered to do a short demo for them, hoping that if they liked the demo, perhaps they would want to commission me for full music video. To my surprise, after I had finished the video demo and sent it, I discovered that the person I had been talking to wasn't even the artist, but a so-called
who actually wanted me to work on their own ideas instead - FOR FREE!!! I know, I know... shady clientele appears to be the theme of most of my post, but this are lived experiences. So if you are one such shady individual, just know that I've seen most types, so approach with caution if you insist. Nonetheless, it was experience, and I enjoyed and learned a lot from the project. Besides, most things that I create usually end up in my portfolio, claimed or not, so ---

Thrive - Client Project

Thrive - Client Project

In 2019, I saw a post on Facebook for gig that involved creating avatars for the authors client. I offered my services, but was turned down. But as fate would have it, having mentioned that I also created animations, I was asked about those services instead, and subsequently commissioned to do an explainer for their client. I was thrilled. I worked on it for some time, and eventually finished it. I forwarded it to the client who sounded happy. The contractor then contacted me telling me that I would receive payment, but to this day I'm still waiting - Hi Angela! Another lesson learned I guess.

Spoken Word (sort of)

Spoken Word (sort of)

This is a 2D animated client project that was commissioned in 2017 and completed in 2018. The brief was to sort of give a visual representation of the speakers thoughts as they spoke the words in the script. There wasn't much creative freedom in terms of scene sequence as the client had own ideas about what should come after what, but I improvised with my own artistic direction where I realised irregular diviations. It didn't take too long to complete, and had positive reception from all involved in the project, which was basically the client and the voiceover artist, as well as myself. I'm not really sure what the overall intention for the video was, but I was just happy to get my first animation video pay, even though it was way less than what I now believe it was worth, especially after having to run after the client to pay for the services. Taught me some pretty valuable lessons (cringe!) Otherwise, we learn as we go along. So overall, I was happy with the outcome in terms of output, especially because by the time the project was being made I was not aware of certain techniques to achieve the kind of animation I was going for. Advice for those who may be starting a career in animation: CHARGE LIKE A PRO! And to clients and potential clients, please understand that animators usually sacrifice their lives to make your projects come to life. So don't even think about enquiring asking for a quotation unless you know for a fact that you can afford the minimum. Thank you, bye!
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Maal High

Maal High

In 2017, an old friend of mine approached me and asked me to do a pro-bono marketing video for his NGO (actually he wanted me to be part of the org...

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27 Cups
Years of drinking tea
10000 Lines
Estimated monthly lines of code edited
100 Customers
Anticipated number of clients by year end

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Regarding service need, listed or not listed, and we'll attend to you as soon as we see your message.


Mankweng, 0727

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Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm

